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The Science of Compassion.

The Science of Compassion

As more and more human lives get sadly sucked into this viral rabbit hole, devoured by this haughty virus, in a physically and socially distanced world, the internet seems more than a soul connection, and one cannot ignore the human cacophony around.

Having firsthand seen so much death and destruction from coronavirus in the past few months, seen more than one could hope to ever unsee, it all gets magnified when even mighty leaders and stalwarts don’t appear immune to this viral wrath.

At such a time, only one thought can reverberate through our minds. This is a virus. It does not discriminate. Rich, poor, young, old, color, creed. The virus does not discriminate.

Although each one of us may have a different level of tolerance to it, or how much it may affect us in the short or long run, no amount of privilege can make us immune to it if we don’t follow facts laid forth by science.

As though this pandemic is a climactic chapter in the Book of Cosmos, people attempt to fathom what it aims to teach humanity, this cosmic reboot feels like a most bitter pill to swallow.

And just as the virus does not discriminate, the medical workers need to remind themselves daily, that neither do they.

Even if they may be tempted to join in the cacophony that divides us humans, the doctor-patient relationship runs far deeper than that.

Doctors do not discriminate on patients based on privilege or man-made distinctions of money, politics, or religion.

From the get-go, physicians, as scientists, watched the disease get tossed in the dark night of logistics, science, faith, and politics.

They witnessed their closest friends, family, coworkers, and themselves in this viral sea of havoc from which no one is spared.

They wake up each morning thankful for the blessing of a new day and hope to be of use to mankind and to continue to do no harm.

They remain steadfast through it all. As medical workers and frontline essential community workers put their life on the line, their only hope is that the public, by and large, owns up to their responsibility of maintaining safety and aims to protect one another and their beliefs don’t get tossed up on a daily basis.

But that human responsibility can only come into society if doctors, as scientists, first take in the onus to explain that safety is a two-way street and what goes around comes around, when they do not discriminate those that depend on them for their wellbeing.

Only then can they hope that the world is able to see through their eyes.

That at the end of the day, nature and science are inarguably two giants that tower over humanity, a cut above and beyond the human rhetorics and cacophony.

This disease is sad as it is, whomever it may affect. Hoping all people come out of this storm, stronger and more compassionate than they began.


Medical Manage

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