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Patients deserve respect no matter the circumstances and every doctor thinks of a great work­place without difficult patients

Think Differently About Difficult Patients

Patients deserve your respect no matter the circumstances and every physician, nurse, emergency medical technician, respiratory therapist and clinician of every specialty has mused about how much better their work­place would be if they did not have to deal with difficult patients or demanding families.

It is helpful to remember the four principles that form the basis of the physician-patient relationship:

1. Autonomy: Autonomy is the ethical principle widely considered most central to health care decision-making and in medical practice, is usually expressed as the right of competent adults to make informed decisions about their own medical care.
Adult and emancipated patients with decision-making capacity have the right to accept or decline offered health care, and physicians have a duty to respect the decisions of those patients, even if they disagree.

2. Beneficence: Beneficence means promoting the patient’s best interest by treating or preventing disease or injury, by informing patients about their conditions and by protecting your patients’ right to confidentiality.

3. Nonmaleficence: Do no harm because you are expected to avoid such actions or since the patients trust you and they have faith that you will not harm them.

4. Justice: You are expected to allocate the benefits and burdens related to health care delivery fairly and you must act impartially regarding patients’ gender, race, age, or ability to pay.

In medical training, the hidden curriculum refers to the les­sons that medical trainees receive behind the scenes and in “the real world.”

Some of these lessons stand in stark contrast to the ideals of humanism and professionalism proclaimed in medicine’s codes of ethics and echoed during the first day of medical school orientation.

And yet patients become problematic only when they evoke negative thoughts in the mind of the treating clinician — thoughts that create feel­ings of frustration, confusion, anxiety, sadness and disgust.

Those negative feelings can lead to undesirable actions such as arguing with, snubbing or prematurely discharging the patient. Those who entered the medical profession with the highest and noblest intentions do not want their actions to stem from feelings of anger, fear and hatred.

Human behavior has been described in the literature of psy­chology in terms of the motivational triad and the think-feel-act cycle. Human beings at their most basic level are motivated to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and minimize effort.

Your thoughts cause you to feel a certain way and act accord­ingly.

You can apply this think-feel-act triad to our clinician-patient relationships.

Once you accept that your own thoughts and beliefs create your emotions and are what cause you to act — not the words, emo­tions and actions of others — you can obtain better results for your patients and for yourselves.

If a “problem” exists only in your minds, you can solve the problem by changing how you think.

The arrival of a patient in an office, on the hospital floor, at the urgent care center or in the emergency department presents a situation or event over which you have no control.

The situation is neutral until a physician has a thought about the patient.

Often, the generous thoughts of the health care professionals cause emotions like compassion or concern that drive the actions and determine results.

Choosing better thoughts is not just wishful thinking or slap­ping an optimistic idea onto an unfortunate situation.

The first step is finding an intermediate, slightly more positive thought that feels believable.

You cannot just conjure up rainbows and dai­sies where the reality appears murky and dark.

If you retrain your brains to think about people not as challenging patients, but as people who challenge you, what a difference that very subtle change in thinking would make.

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