As a student in medicine your job is to study every patient’s case, including history of present illness, past medical history, family …
Patient Service
Patients are a key element in any business. Without patients, there would be no reason why one would start a business. There …
In all aspects of life, first impressions are crucial in generating a positive reception. The overall impression of a first encounter has …
For physicians who wish to improve medication adherence in patients, the answer may lie in targeting patient education and health literacy. Medication non-adherence is …
The key to happy and healthy patients? Honest talk about finances. Physicians may be focused on how patients are treated in their …
When considering the “health” of a medical practice, much of the focus is on financial indicators: missing collections at the time of …
Why do so many doctors need to be reminded to act with kindness? Why can’t you “just do it”? If doctors want …
Rudeness and inappropriate behavior Complaints in this category range from your receptionist’s rudeness to the patient’s reception, till an inappropriate behavior by …
The journey in medicine is a journey of goal setting. Doctors set goals all the time. They set the goal to become …
If you are a doctor (or med student/health professional) and are human, you’ve probably made a medical mistake. You’ve probably not received …